Serve at HUMC

Are you looking for a community to belong?

Everyone brings different gifts, and there is a place for you. Find serving opportunities at HUMC and find a sense of belonging!

Our Production Team helps make all of our worship services possible, both in-person and online. They run the soundboard, live-streaming equipment, graphics, and cameras behind the scenes. Anyone interested in learning is more than welcome!

Production Team

Help us create a welcoming space for all, in-person and online, by sharing your smiles! Our Hospitality Team includes a check-in team, an in-person welcome team, an usher team, a Café team, and a follow-up team.

Hospitality Team

Do you want to plant a seed for the future? Do you love to see children grow in faith? Our HUMC Kids Team teaches children in weekly Sunday School and Children’s Worship and leads other community events.

Our HUMC Students Ministry Team creates a safe space for junior and senior high students to make connections with God and each other and grow in faith on their journey.

Are you interested in flower arrangements and delivering the love of God? Our Floral Arts Guild helps to prepare weekly services with flower arrangements throughout the Church calendar year, including the Easter and Christmas seasons.

Music is a great gift and resource through which we bless God and others. Our music ministries include:

  • Children’s Choirs (Joyful Hearts/Cherub Choirs) singing during the Christmas Family Service and special occasions

  • Worship Team singing/playing during 9am Modern Worship

  • Chancel Choir singing during 10:30am Traditional Worship

  • Holtz Handbell Choir playing during 10:30am Traditional Worship

Are you interested in serving at HUMC?

Please let us know your interest, so we can help you find and connect you with a team by emailing